Increasing Energy efficiency 2
UAB "Ameko constructions" implements the project "UAB "Ameko constructions" investments in renewable energy production equipment" No. 02-011-K-0002, financed according to the progress measure of the economic transformation and competitiveness development program of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, which manages the 2022-2030 development program. 05-001-01-04-02 "Encouraging companies to move towards a climate-neutral economy" activity area "Encouraging the implementation of renewable energy resources in industrial enterprises (Central and Western Lithuania region)".
The total amount of eligible costs of project activities - 107,068.00 EUR, the allocated funding - 85,654.40 EUR. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.Start of project activities: 2023-02-02, end of project activities: 2025-03-31.The goal of the project is to reduce the intensity of energy consumption in the processes of UAB "Ameko Konstruktions" by increasing RES production and consumption efficiency.
During the implementation of the project, it is planned to install a 150.00 kW solar power plant.
The activity of the project is to promote the introduction of renewable energy resources in industrial enterprises.
During the implementation of the project, UAB "Ameko constructions" will install a 150.00 kW solar power plant, thus solving the company's problem - the unused potential of a climate-neutral economy in industry. The solar power plant will allow the company to use the produced electricity for its own internal needs in production, which will save the company's funds, reduce costs and, at the same time, the cost of production. The solar power plant will make it possible to reduce the amount of electricity purchased from the external energy system, contribute to the implementation of the company's more advanced green goals, and help reduce the risk of energy costs and price fluctuations. The implementation of the project will simultaneously contribute to mitigation of Lithuania's impact on climate change, solving air pollution, efficient resource use problems, reducing dependence on energy imports and increasing the ratio of renewable energy resources in the overall energy consumption balance. The acquisition, installation and operation of the solar power plant directly contributes to the horizontal principle of sustainable development and innovation: increasing the consumption of renewable electricity resources in the industrial company, based on the energy efficiency audit report carried out for UAB "Ameko constructions" company, investments will be made in energy production capacities using renewable electricity resources equipment as an energy-saving measure to make production more efficient. Also, the installation of a solar power plant contributes to the goal of mitigating climate change - it will reduce CO2, because part of the amount that was bought from the electricity grid will be replaced by alternative energy. Solar power plant - a production installation using renewable electricity resources that does not emit any gases that cause the greenhouse effect, does not have a negative direct or indirect impact during the entire life cycle on adapting to the climate change goal, does not have any negative impact on people, nature or property, is not related to the individual societies meeting the needs of the groups, no restrictions on equal opportunities will be provided.